Garden products taste
This is a convivial activity for market gardeners and neighbors of the neighborhood in which seasonal products grown in the garden, in this case tomatoes and potatoes, are tasted. Each gardener prepares the produce in the way he or she wants. A day is selected during the season to hold a kind of festival in […]
Community walks linking leisure & commitment, a critical view with a transformative one in order to improve our territory
Organized walks through the the territory with the intention to detect problems and promote solutions from different from each participant perspective, from geogrephy professionals to community members.
Changing production patterns through training for decent jobs in local projects
One-year theoretical and practical training course held,covering competences related to the holistic integral management of gardens (understanding the entire agricultural cycle, plant varieties, composting, crop programming. In this educative programs, environmental education dimension is cross-cutting implicit in all the training, since training in ecological values is adapted to each of the trainings.