Community walks linking leisure & commitment

Asociación Somos Vega Somos Tierra


Community walks linking leisure & commitment, a critical view with a transformative one in order to improve our territory


Organized walks through the the territory with the intention to detect problems and promote solutions from different from each participant perspective, from geogrephy professionals to community members.

1. Organisation hosting the activity


Asociación Somos Vega Somos Tierra

Legal status


Year of establishment



Detailed Adress is C/ Virgen Blanca (Granada, Spain) 18004, but the association activity takes place in the Vega of Granada territory Granada city and metropolitan area.

Asociación Somos Vega Somos Tierra arises as a response to the defence, protection and dynamisation of La Vega de Granada territory. It started from the premise that la Vega and the its territory need new agricultural patterns and aterritorial and human development to make it places socially and environmentally sustainable, boosting the creation of fair and dignified employment, and adopting agroecology as a tool for the protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the people who live there.

2. Activity detailed description

The activity consists in organising group walks through the territory with the intention to detect problems and promote solutions from different perspectives, from geography professionals to community members, which makes it possible to find out all the variables of landscape interpretation.

This is an activity for self-reflection, interpretation and criticism. Its main concept is to get to know territory elements in all its parts (good, bad, functional…) starting from a personal point of view and two try to give an answer to: how can this territory be improved so that it becomes more alive and sustainable?

An organiser will first show its own territory interpretation from his knowledge. Then, participants will be asked for feedback, generating a dialogue and looking for various contributions to solve identified problems. The idea is that participants actively, critically and constructively look at their own territory, with the aim of promoting positive and sustainable solutions. 

This activity aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Territorial sustainable development through active community participation
  • Awareness-raising

Trainer competences:

Territory, heritage and history deep knowledge.

Acquired competences:

Develop a critical understanding of the territory not only denouncing but also proposing, raising awareness, promoting the capacity to generate synergies with the participants and the capacity to come up with positive solutions. 

Target groups:

Participants’ profile is very open, but ideal is people who have no training in the territory in order to imbue these people with a different perspective, generate critical views and enrich the vision of the territory. 

The average number of participants goes between 15-20. However this can vary and carrying out the activity does not depend on the number of participants. 

The main difficulty in carrying out this activity is to reach out to people beyond the association’s own network.

Implementation steps

  1. Plan an itinerary
  2. Finding an expert to guide the activity
  3. Disseminate the activity (social networks)

This activity does not need from more infrastructure than the territory itself.

3. Gallery

4. Conclusions

The idea behind this activity is as simple as developing an improvement of the territory, making it more sustainable and resilient, taking advantage of the particular vision that each one of us has of the territory. Understanding and collectively improving our territory is essential.

Advice / Recommendation

"Be active and promote engagement and collaboration. Talk to each other! Learn from each other".