Climate protection garden for soil and environmental awareness education
Planning and development of a climate protection garden with various elements such as a green classroom, a soil nature trail and a tiny forest to carry out environmental education activities. Workshops and courses about different garden-related topics such as soil, sealing, biodiversity etc. are developed and conducted with school classes and adults in the climate […]
Heroes of Responsible Dining

The Heroes of Responsible Dining initiative aims to raise public awareness about the environmental effects of food consumption. They encourage individuals to choose local and seasonal products, eat less meat and dairy, and reduce their food waste. The Foundation does this by launching interesting challenges and loveable campaigns and offering team building programs and educational […]
Community farmers’ fair pick-up point

At the suggestion of Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, which runs the Kisdiófa community garden, its community has become a pick-up point for Kisdiófa buyer-community. The VeddEgyütt (“Buy-together”) initiative which coordinates common sales of local farmers’ communities nationwide, includes the garden as a regular venue on its organisation’s list of fairs. Being a member of a […]
Thematic and Study plots

In the “Kisdiófa” community garden, the gardening community provides 2-2 raised beds for applicants selected by tender for one year periods for
Compost training at the municipality level

The city hall of Pau is organizing, thanks to facilitators and trainers, online and face-to-face activities to teach people who have gardens about composting before giving them compost bins.
The Climate Fresk

Through a game of printed or digital cards, the participants will be able to understand the stakes of climate change, its causes and consequences, to empower themselves to take action and adapt their behaviour. The activity is organized in 3 hours workshops managed by a facilitator trained on the topic. The facilitators are active all […]
2 Tons

2 tons is a serious game organized in an hybrid workshop where participants get tools to understand and calculate their current carbon footprint and how to reduce it in the future, to reach the 2 tons objective of 2050. To enable a systemic understanding of the issues, the workshop takes into account the individual and […]
Community garden education Jour fix

Regular gardening jour fix for the gardeners of the community garden. Alternating educational impulses with changing topics on climate-fit gardening and joint activities to strengthen the community as well as garden walks through their own community garden are carried out. This environmental education offer is aimed internally at the members of the community garden and […]
Community Composting

Members of the community composting group collect their organic waste and compost it together. In introductory workshops, practical care activities for the compost and exchange meetings they learn about composting and its backgrounds. In the end they harvest the compost together, share it and use it as fertiliser for their plants at home or in […]
Garden products taste

This is a convivial activity for market gardeners and neighbors of the neighborhood in which seasonal products grown in the garden, in this case tomatoes and potatoes, are tasted. Each gardener prepares the produce in the way he or she wants. A day is selected during the season to hold a kind of festival in […]