2 tons is a serious game organized in an hybrid workshop where participants get tools to understand and calculate their current carbon footprint and how to reduce it in the future, to reach the 2 tons objective of 2050. To enable a systemic understanding of the issues, the workshop takes into account the individual and collective dimensions of the topic, as well as the influence we can have on others. It is through a participatory workshop held through an online platform.
Any organization willing to host the activity
Non governmental organization + professional trainers
All over the world.
This activity has been held in various community gardens. Aimed at both novices and experts on the subject of climate change, this is also a real serious game, designed to bring people together and debate together, so that everyone can have fun and express their opinions. As a privileged place to teach about climate change and global warming, the community gardens that equipped in new technologies and meeting rooms can easily recruit a facilitator to implement the workshop.
There are currently more than 25 000 people that participated to the workshops and an English version is already available, with international data in the platform. Other versions can be developed as long as there are volunteers to work on the localisation of the contents.
Two tons is a 3 hours workshop during which the participants think about their carbon footprint and how to change it. The workshop is an hybrid workshop, that can also be organized online to reach a larger number of people. It is based on a participative activity where people are calculating the carbon footprint of the different types of human activities (food, transportations, housing, way of life) from the individual and collective point of view.
People usually register online or within the organization hosting the activity, according to the context and setting of the workshop. The minimum number of participants is 6, while an optimal number is 12. In schools, it can reach until 18 to 20 maximum.
There are 2 kinds of workshops possible: either for the general public (usually facilitators that are volunteers) or for a specific and professional audience (with a professional facilitator). The second type of workshop will be the one applied within next year, when 25 000 public policy makers will be required to attend the workshop.
The facilitators have different levels according to their experience and expertise :
For now, there is only a French and English version but other linguistic versions can be developed. The main problem to be faced is that each linguistic version includes proven statistic data (IPCC reports, national data…) that need to be included. To develop a foreign language version, it will require scientific investigation to add them to the platform.
In the case of community gardens, there are not big issues to implement the workshops as the community gardens don’t target an audience of experts: the main audience will be the general public and the serious game approach will be enough for most of the participants. Concretely, the objective of the workshops in community gardens will be mainly to
To host an activity, an organization must contact the different facilitators by sending a request on the platform of the project: https://en.2tonnes.org/
The hosting organization needs to find a suitable room for the number of people and needs a screen or a projector to display the platform from a computer. The meeting room needs to be equipped with an internet connection.
The recommended minimum number of participants is 6 and the optimal number is 12. Some facilitators might have their preferences in the setting of the rooms so it is recommended to see with them what they need and recommend.
The workshop is divided into various phases.
The 2 Tons workshop is a serious game with high potential easily transferable in a community garden as long as the garden is equipped with a meeting room and internet. In a similar approach to the Climate Fresk, already available at an international level, this workshop has been translated in English and other linguistic versions are possible as it just needs committed persons willing to collect national data and translate. At the national level, it is also one of the workshops, with the Climate Fresk, chosen by the French government to train civil servants on carbon footprint and how to reduce it. The high potential of this activity grounds on the fact that the number of trainers can grow exponentially, as does the number of participants. The use of the workshop to train civil servants also raised the public interest on 2 Tons: it is a very good opportunity for community gardens if they want to reinforce their role in raising awareness for climate change.