Climate protection garden for soil and environmental awareness education

Planning and development of a climate protection garden with various elements such as a green classroom, a soil nature trail and a tiny forest to carry out environmental education activities. Workshops and courses about different garden-related topics such as soil, sealing, biodiversity etc. are developed and conducted with school classes and adults in the climate […]

Forest Garden Action Days

The Forest Garden Action Days are events organised by members of the community garden Allhartsberg and take place 2-4 times a year. They aim to make the forest garden better known, to share knowledge and to do maintenance work together. All interested people are invited to visit and participate.

Community garden education Jour fix

Regular gardening jour fix for the gardeners of the community garden. Alternating educational impulses with changing topics on climate-fit gardening and joint activities to strengthen the community as well as garden walks through their own community garden are carried out. This environmental education offer is aimed internally at the members of the community garden and […]

Community Composting

Members of the community composting group collect their organic waste and compost it together. In introductory workshops, practical care activities for the compost and exchange meetings they learn about composting and its backgrounds. In the end they harvest the compost together, share it and use it as fertiliser for their plants at home or in […]

Liz Christy Trail

The Liz Christy Trail is an edible route through the “Seestadt”- a newly established quarter of Vienna. It connects eleven individual edible greening projects and invites people to explore them by taking a walk or a bike ride. Existing initiatives along the food trail are made visible and new projects can be stimulated and developed […]

Windbreak and wild fruit hedge

The windbreak and wild fruit hedge is an ecological and educational element, located in the “Seestadt” – a newly established quarter of Vienna. It was planted in 2020 as part of the edible Seestadt research project and has since been maintained by members from the nearby community garden “Kraut&Blüten”. With its signposts it informs passers […]