To put into daily life all the relevant issues. With emphasis on personal life the topic will introduce and analyse situtations, then provide solutions, tools for problem solving. This part of the module touches upon the climate anxiety issue as well.
Our exposure depends on many factors from our geographical location, through our health conditions to our age. The threats and the potential benefits also could be different in many ways.
Recent surveys revealed that many people are worrying about climate change. In the USA 64%, in Europe 93% of people surveyed consider climate change to be a serious problem. It might sounds strange, but being worried (not having climate- or eco-anxiety, which is rather a mental disorder) is good thing since it can motivate to figure out what can be done about it. It could stimulate for simple measures or even for bigger actions. And the good news is, that actions with climate change relevance can help to get rid of the pessimistic thoughts.
Some of the activities in a climate adaptive and mitigative lifestyle overlaps, and all of them are in a strong coherence with each other. What makes the real difference is the mindset you have to embrace. What you are not able to change because its existence is inevitable you still have the chance being adapt to. There are many possibilities which you can make your life climate-adaptive and comfortable with in the time of climate change.